Sam Hearts Baseball

I think all of you know that my allegiance lies with my Cardinals. I honestly do feel bad for Steve that he is not going to get to cover them initially, simply because he is just as big as a fan as I am. I was born in that city, went to a lot of ball games at the old Busch, and seen a couple in the new one. The Cardinals are simply my team. I really did not think it would come down to my #5 pick to determine my 1 year team, but I am pretty happy about covering the Astros. My wife's side of the family are huge Houston fans, and not just because their star player is a blood relative, they have just always been Astros fans. I like the idea of keeping up on the Cardinals competition, as well as the other Texas team.

I really just follow the Cardinals and Rangers.
I root for Boston when they play New York.
My least favorite team is probably the Phillies. I just think they are dirty and gross for some reason. Maybe John Kruk has something to do with that.


Who is Steve?

October 16, 2009 at 10:37 PM  

i thought i already explained this.

October 16, 2009 at 10:37 PM  

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