Labels Update

Thanks for the responses about labels. Only Joseph did not comment. I have not heard from him in a while either. Hmmm........

Now, about labels.

I honestly don't know how much I am going to write about the playoffs. My mind set is that if it makes sportscenter or headlines on mlb, or is big news, I am just going to mention it in passing and concentrate more on what this means behind the scenes. You can label whatever you want to, just don't go crazy.

Steve made a good comment about blog titles.

Lets make it a requirement that blog titles include the team name. So if you wanna have a cute title that is funny and will make me laugh, do like this. Cubs: Why do we still try?

Suggested Labels
Team Name
Player Name(s) I mentioned at least 8 players in my recent blog post, but I only labeled 2 of them. Do you want to have every player labeled?????
Minor Leagues
Spring Training
Front Office


We shouldn't label every player. I'm never gonna find myself clicking on a guy I've never heard of to see the blog entries about him. I say we stick to naming only players that are either in the starting lineup most of the time, or just somewhat known names. For other players we can come up with something like "minor leaguers" or "prospects"

October 25, 2009 at 10:29 PM  

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